Here is A Complete Guide to Everything You Should Know Before Purchasing a Headstone

Here is A Complete Guide to Everything You Should Know Before Purchasing a Headstone


Buying a headstone is a significant undertaking, especially if you are doing it to honor your loved one. Even though Shopping online for a monument can be easy, getting one that will fit your requirement can be daunting. With the availability of many types of grave markers, you need to know all your options and the specific things you need.

This article will explore a complete guide of everything you need to know before purchasing a headstone.

1. Do Your Research 

The best way to get an idea of headstones and the options available is to research online, just like you are doing now. You need to read the Informative Headstones blog to help make you comfortable with the process. There is a lot of incredible information out there that will help you simplify the work making it easier for you. In addition, you can consider asking for recommendations from family and friends who might have gone through the process before. Another alternative is visiting cemeteries to get an idea. Some of the things you will consider during your visit are the artwork, shape, color, and sizes. SA good monument dealer, will guide you through the process. You can also take pictures of the style, fonts, carvings, and etching you like and send them to the monument dealer to understand your vision.

2. Visit at least Three Monument Shops

After researching online, you need to visit the monument shops you found online or within the area. Making an appointment is crucial to ensure you have ample time to discuss everything about the headstone you need. You must provide accurate information on where your monument will be delivered and the information to be inscribed on the stone. It includes their date of birth and death.

Working with experienced monument shop owners helps you feel comfortable during this difficult time. It is because they have dealt with people who have experienced such losses of their loved ones. Also, they help you inquire about the fees and restrictions on the cemeteries where you want to rest your loved one.

3. Discuss the Basics

When visiting a monument dealer, there are questions you need to be prepared to answer, such as who the headstone is for and what they were like. This information is aimed to help your dealer get a picture of them and understand what kind of headstone they would love. You also need to know what cemetery the head is going to determine the size of the stone. Other things you must note include the color, shape, and artwork of the stone.

4. Inquire about The Pricing

Different headstones vary in price depending on your desired shape and size. When preparing your budget, you must research extra costs to know how to budget. It’s essential to avoid paying for the headstone 100% upfront. Instead, you can in three installments: a third when you approve the official design, another third when it’s completed, and the last payment after the headstone is placed in the cemetery.

It’s a Wrap!

Buying a headstone is complicated with all the other arrangements you must make for the funeral. Consult with a reputable monument dealer to ensure you get a suitable gravestone that will be appealing and meet your needs.
